David Turley

About the Author

Fredrick James Turley was born August 28, 1928, in Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, England. After leaving school, he attended Hampstead Bible College in London, where upon completion, he performed his National Service Duties in the Royal Air Force. In 1948, after serving two years in the RAF, he entered into the ministry.

Fredrick Turley, best known as ‘Fred,’ evangelized and pastored in many cities in the British Isles. To name a few: Shrewsbury, Bournemouth, London, Leeds, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. While assisting a pastor in Highgate, London, Fred was introduced to the Oneness Doctrine, received the revelation, and was baptized in the name of Jesus.

A few years after his conversion, he pioneered the United Pentecostal Church in Bilston, purchasing the first building for the UPC organization in Great Britain. He served 38 years as the Secretary/Treasurer for the UPCI of Great Britain and Ireland and was the editor of the Pentecostal Truth magazine for 19 years. Fred loved this truth and served with integrity, dignity, and faithfulness. He was an outstanding preacher, teacher, and proficient author of two books, ‘So Great A Salvation’ and ‘Understanding Spiritual Gifts.

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